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A specific therapy that concentrates on the Neck, Back and Shoulder muscles. The treatment is designed to relieve and ease tensions in the areas of the body where
muscle problems most often occur.


The warmth of volcanic basalt works at a
deeper level to release stress and allow pure
relaxation during this full body and face
massage. Recommended for people who have
muscle tensions, but prefer a lighter massage.


It is the ultimate experience of relaxation. This
massage has been shown to lower stress,
reduce pain and improve overall physical and
mental wellness.


A massage therapy that targets the tense areas in the deeper layers of your muscles; such as low back pain, sore shoulders, chronic aches and leg muscle tightness.


Release those aches and pains brought by
your pregnancy with this massage. It is the
perfect way to de-stress, decrease swelling in
the arms and legs, and relieve pain in muscles.


A group of massage techniques, combined
with stretching, that addresses the specific
needs of athletes. It enhances endurance,
lessens the chance of injury and shortens the
time needed to recover from a workout. Ideal
for athletes and joggers.

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