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Mind. Body. and Soul.

Las Salinas Spa invites you to experience the ultimate quest
for perfect wellness and eternal beauty. Our professionalism
and innovation intertwine to create a perfect aura for your
overall well-being and allow you to reconnect with yourself.
Enlighten your senses with an eclectic menu of spa therapies,
customized to address your body’s unique needs. Discover
an indulgent collection of unique treatments, from our
rejuvenating massages and facials to our refreshing body
treatments and rituals, to restore balance to your mind, body,
and soul.

Peel It Away

Turkish Bath + Facial Treatment + Sauna, Steam, Jacuzzi, Heated Indoor Pool = $160


Full Body Relaxing Massage 55 minutes + Mini Facial + Sauna, Steam, Jacuzzi, Heated Indoor Pool = $230

Bridal Package

Full Body Hot Stone Massage + Turkish Bath + Facial Treatment + Sauna, Steam, Jacuzzi, Heated Indoor Pool = $245

Las Salinas SPA Professionals

Las Salinas Spa therapists and beauticians are experts in
wellness and body care, entirely devoted to help you relax
and revitalize. They are trained professionals with honorary
degrees and experience in massages, slimming, rehab
aqua treatments, facial and skin treatments, body
treatments and rituals headed by a medical doctor.



Salt Caves
Heated Infinity Pool
Water Bike Pool
Elliptical Pool
Turkish Bath
Steam Sauna

Salt Caves
Heated Infinity Pool
Water Bike Pool
Elliptical Pool
Turkish Bath
Steam Sauna

Amazing space

Indulge in an atmosphere of total luxury and relaxation in our beautiful spa center.