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Halotherapy – Salt Cave
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Halotherapy – Salt Cave


Halotherapy is a therapeutic method based on a prolonged exposure to the specific microclimate of caves, salt mines and grottos.
Since the days of Egypt’s Queen Cleopatra, salt therapy has been known to have curative benefits. Whether dipping themselves in the Dead Sea or taking treks into Eastern European salt caves, sufferers of many different respiratory
and skin ailments have benefited from the restorative powers of salts.
Halotherapy became a common, drug-free treatment for many chronic lung and skin conditions. For more than 20 years, specially-designed halochambers have used dry sodium chloride aerosol, to treat respiratory and skin conditions.
This treatment provides effective long-term relief, helps with respiratory illnesses, prevents respiratory viruses (including the common cold and flu) and benefits the skin.
All our massages can be performed in the Salt Caves.

Amazing space

Indulge in an atmosphere of total luxury and relaxation in our beautiful spa center.