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Therapeutic Treatments
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Therapeutic Treatments


A combination of muscle warming and floating electro-stimulation to decrease pain levels and relieve muscle tensions from the top of your neck to the bottom of your back. It also strengthens your weakened back muscles for a complete back pain treatment.


A very light massage that encourages the lymph flow in your body. It allows detoxification, improves circulation and relieves heavy leg sensation.


To prevent overtraining that leads to muscle pain or injury, specific tips and therapies are available including ultrasound therapy, anti-inflammatory electrical stimulation and “myofeedback” therapy. Combined with efficient sports massages, this treatment focuses on relieving soft tissue aches, according to your sports activity.


Aquatic exercise is a low impact activity performed in the pool, with almost no stress on the joints and bones. It uses the benefits of hot water to relieve discomfort and promote physical well-being. Aquatic exercise is applicable to all skill levels.

Amazing space

Indulge in an atmosphere of total luxury and relaxation in our beautiful spa center.