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Fitness Center
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Fitness Center


Shed off a few pounds and inches while enjoying a special retreat at Las Salinas Spa. After being assessed by our professional physicians and nutritionists, a personalized program will be designed to reach your target weight.
Through daily walks, aerobic classes, fitness exercises, aqua sessions, lymphatic drainage massages, fat-melting treatments, Ecocert certified organic products and a customized food menu, you are sure to achieve your goal.
Program of 1 to 2 weeks – To be booked in advance.


Yoga, Spinning, Body Lift, Fitness Fusion, Aquafit, Kangoo Jump, Power Yoga


Regardless of your fitness level, you can get a great workout in the pool. Your instructor will offer plenty of modifications to increase or decrease the difficulty of the moves, and you will always be free to go at your
own pace.

The aqua elliptical combines the benefits of traditional elliptical machines with the comforts of water exercise. It engages the muscles in your arms, legs, back and abdomen to give you a great, total body workout.

This low to no-impact workout is ideal for those with injuries, or anyone looking to improve cardiovascular endurance. Exercise on a floating or fixed bike, without all the stress on your joints. The water also naturally supports your spine, which is a huge relief from the usual aches and pains caused by hunching over a bike.


Equipped with the latest and most advanced Technogym line which includes Treadmills, Ellipticals, Bikes, Weight Training Machines, Free Weight area, Kinesis Machine and Queenax one of the best body weight training facility.

Amazing space

Indulge in an atmosphere of total luxury and relaxation in our beautiful spa center.