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Facial Treatments
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Facial Treatments

“Perfect Skin for Months.”


The application of the “Complexe Restructrant et Lissant”, which is completed by a modulating massage, refreshes, soothes and tones the skin.
This treatment provides instant radiance and long-lasting moisturization.
Suitable for sensitive, reactive, stressed and sun-damaged skin.

“The Perfect Food for the Skin.”


This treatment provides essential nutrients, strengthens the natural renewal process, restores the vital condition of the skin and helps reduce wrinkles and other signs of aging. It is the perfect solution for skin that shows signs of opacity, fatigue or premature aging.
Ideal for skin with marked wrinkles and lacking nutrition and comfort.

“Treat Acne and Pimples Naturally.”


Acne is a disorder that affects 80% of people at some point in their lives, and our treatment is a highly effective natural cure to remove them.
Ideal for people with acne.

“A Fountain of Youth.”


Applied to the face and entire neck area, this technique is also accompanied by a tension-releasing massage. It allows you to have a moment of total well-being and relaxation. Suitable for both men and women, this treatment oxygenates the skin, smoothens facial contours and immediately gives a radiant complexion.
Ideal to rejuvenate and diminish the appearance of wrinkles, while enhancing overall hydration.

“Splashing Effect!”


Hydracool is the newest multifunctional device for a perfect face protocol. Using the power of water, this therapy gives radiance to cells and rejuvenates skin fibers, while effectively preventing the skin aging process.
– Mesotherapy
– Face Lifting
– Eye Treatment
Ideal to revitalize, regenerate and give a glow to the skin.

“High performance wireless diagnostic system ”

Skin diagnostic system

•Advanced skin diagnostic system.
•Bidirectional communication between camera and tablet
•Automatic camera, multiple modes possible
•Evaluate pores and wrinkles, spots, acne and moisture
•Accurate analysis based on best optimized algorithm

“Oxygenating and anti-pollution treatment.”

Booster VIP O2

•A revolution in facial treatment
•Detoxifies and stimulates the epidermis
•Re-oxygenate skin tissues
•Improve the “soft focus” for a brighter face
•Boosts complexion’s radiance

“Particularly recommended for mature skins”

Caviar and gold facial

•Caviar extract brings amino acids, glucosides and mineral salts, as many nutrients and reconstituting elements which are essential to restore vitality and brightness
•Very rich in vitamin A, D, B, and trace elements
•Caviar is a key ingredient to cell regeneration while Gold is known for its antioxidant.

“Maintain healthy, youthful complexion long into the future”

Vitamin C facial

•Promotes collagen production
•Protects skin from sun damage
•Speeds up healing of sunburns
•Improve hydration and moisture
•Keeps skin looking younger; creates brighter, healthier skin

“Reduces pigmentation spots, uniform skin tone”


•Brighten skin and exceptional anti-oxidant
•Boosts skin radiance like no other
•A true complexion perfector, skin is instantly brighter and more even
•Recommended for pigmented and dull skin instants.

Patches anti-fatigue eyes

•Reduces puffiness
•Reduces dark circles and fine lines
•Recommended for tired skin instants with bags under eyes.

Amazing space

Indulge in an atmosphere of total luxury and relaxation in our beautiful spa center.