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Body Treatment
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Body Treatment

Cotton wrap

•Combined with body scrub, exfoliate and soothes the skin
•Slow down the water loss and soften the skin
•Has a dual function of moisturizing the upper layers of the epidermis and soothing.
Dual function: hydrating and healing.

Lymphatic drainage 3 teas

•Contains 3 teas extracts (white, Green and Black) from China.
•Rich in various antioxidants which work together and contribute to fight against the aging of the skin
•Lipolysis action which promote weight loss.
•Energetic effect, help the cell renewal.
•The perfume of green tea in citrus fruit procures a pleasant sensation of freshness.
Pleasant sensation of freshness.

Silhouette cryo-actif

•Combination of Cold and self-warming effect
•Sooth cellulite and firm the skin
•Brown algae extract, protect the external aggressions including effects of pollution.
•Skin is revitalized, very soft and fresh.
Self-warming body mask.

Anti – C

•Visibly improves the appearance of cellulite and pits.
•Reduces the “orange peel” effect.
•Activates drainage and circulation
•The skin is more toned, smoother and firmer to the touch.
Anti-cellulite body wrap; recommended for skin instants with cellulite.

Selvert body treatment

•Visibly improves the appearance of cellulite
•Reduces the orange peel skin
•Activates drainage and circulation
•Skin is more toned; smoother and firmer to the touch.
Slimming; firming; regenerating; draining.

Amazing space

Indulge in an atmosphere of total luxury and relaxation in our beautiful spa center.